Praha 5-Anděl, Czech Republic
Lidická 20
Very professional, Customer focused good communication in English and very thorough expertise. It helped us reveal large renovation needs that prevented us from making a purchase that we may have regretted.
Wonderful experience. :D The communication from inspectors and administrative staff was always clear, efficient, fast and valuable. Both to me (non Czech speaker) and towards seller. The technical observations were relevant and clear, and it was easy to see the added value that they gave me when buying my flat. Highly recommended.
Highly professional and very polite tech support that helped us to understand better the true state of the desired flat and gave us more confidence in final decision making.
They did a home inspection on a house we are considering buying. There aren't a lot of home inspection services on the Czech market so I was a bit worried about what we'd get. My sense was that this was a thorough and professional job and it is what I'd expect with a home inspection. The report was thorough, in English (could have been Czech if that's what I'd wanted), and gave suggestions for improvements categorized as necessary or just suggested, as well as estimated prices. The report was thorough (about 30 pages, if I remember). The guy who did the inspection is also a licensed architect and while he walked through the house he answered any related questions I had, which helped a great deal. The are professional and provide very good customer service. My one gripe is that even though this price would be reasonable by U.S. standards (my comparison point), it still seems very high given the Czech market (14 000 Kc for what I guess was 10 hours total of work, since the report has more-or-less a set format). Worth it to me, but high price nonetheless.
Highly recommend Bytecek. Inspection was done professionally and increased my confidence in the quality of the newly built house.
Kontrola bytu před převzetím byla naprosto profesionální. Inspektor měl při chůzi po bytu návleky, příjemný detail. V oblasti kontroly je velmi detailní a odpověděl mi na jakoukoliv otázku, kterou jsem měl. Finální kontrola (2. kontrola) po odstranění závad developerem byla taktéž výborná. Protokol o vadách je přehledný a developer nic nenamítal a vady opravil.
Se sluzbami jsme velice spokojeni, pan inspektor odhalil spousty nedodelku a vad, kterych jsme si sami nevsimli a samozrejme diky jejich odbornemu vybaveni se zkontrolovalo i to, co bysme sami nezkontrolovali - termovizni mereni a rekuperaci. Jsme radi, ze jsme se rozhodli pozvat si na predavani noveho bytu odborniky a usetrili si tim cas a energii na reklamaci vad zjistenych po predani.
Firma nabizi inspekci nemovitosti. Inspekce dobra. Pri srovnani s jinymi firmami mi prislo ze dela inspekce srovnatelne s firmami jejiz sluzby stoji 1/2. OK beru. Nicmene za tuto cenu nam sluzba zcela jiste neprinesla financni usporu. To co developer na zaklade protokolu opravil neni v hodnote inspekce nemovitosti. To co nam inspekce prinesla je nazor cizi osoby na to, ze dum je vicemene postaven podle norem nicmene. Ty zasadni problemy co nam vadily developer odmita odstranit.
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