Companies on Trustpilot can choose relevant categories to describe their industry, products, or services. All companies in a category are eligible to be best in that category if they’re actively asking for reviews and have received 25 or more reviews in the last 12 months. Some companies on Trustpilot aren’t eligible to be best in a category, and others aren’t on Trustpilot at all.
Lennon Wall
Trustfeed Score 4.1
Praha 1, Czechia
Pawan Vishwakarma
The wall filled with graffiti has its own history. Lennon wall is at walking distance from the famous Charles bridge. Nice place to click few photos a...
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Big Hummer
Trustfeed Score 5.0
Milovice, Czechia
Martin Rich
Zajímavý Hummer H2 kousek od benzínky.
Gablenz Memorial
Trustfeed Score 4.6
Trutnov, Czechia
Dračí Ulička
Trustfeed Score 4.5
Dušan AlkoholixCzech
Statue Of Josef Jungmann
Praha 1-Nové Město-Nové Město, Czechia
This monument stands in tribute to Josef Jungmann, an 18th and 19th century a Czech poet and linguist. Along with Josef Dobrovský, he is considered a ...
Statue Of Saint George, Prague Castle
Trustfeed Score 4.7
Praha 1-Hradčany, Czechia
Benedict Uy
Interesting statue of St. Gerorge on Horseback killing a dragon. It is in the large area by the Tower of St. Vitus.
Memorial To The Victims Of Communism
Malá Strana, Czechia
Gerhard Geldenhuys
Another must see art installation in Prague. I call them the Zombi Men but you need to read up about its more serious message. On the right of this ex...
Statue Of Bedřich Smetana
Trustfeed Score 4.4
Staré Město, Czechia
Konstantinos Papadakis
Best spot to take a picture of Charles bridge.
Statue Of Taras Shevchenko, Smíchov
Praha 5, Czechia
Jakob Englund
Na cerno postavena socha. Sevcenko nema jakoukoli relevanci pro toto misto ci Prahu obecne vzato.
Winged Lion Memorial
Trustfeed Score 4.3
Vivek R
Well-maintained. Well explained in the notes. Nice monument. But no point in going there all the way for this alone. Nothing else to do there. If you ...
Statue Of Milan Rastislav Štefánik
Sumanta Chakraborty
A nice sculpture. But much beautiful is the surrounding. Filled with roses, big trees and green garden. Wonderful place to sit down, relax and enjoy t...
Castle Zruc Nad Sazavou
Zruč nad Sázavou, Czechia
Maciek Gruchala
The castle is well preserved, the park around it is beautiful, but the city around, not really
Kamenictví Hynek Karásek - Pobočka Ostrava
Slezská Ostrava, Czechia
Hynek Karásek
Je to moje kamenictví,lepší neznám.
Statue Of Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, Prague
Krzysztof Krysiak
This statue is located just in front of Hrancany Castle and right from the statue there is a place where you have beautiful view on Prague city (see o...
Trustfeed Score 4.8
Praha 2-Vyšehrad, Czechia
The Slavín is a tomb in the grounds of the Vyšehrad Cemetery in Prague where many. notable Czechs are interred in the tomb. Slavin is in the cemetery ...
Memorial Of The 1St Czechoslovak Independent Tank Brigade In The Ussr
Michał Antos
Tank no. 051, type T-34/85, now serves as a monument to the 1st Czechoslovak tank crew members of the brigade in the USSR.
Pohřebiště Bruntál Ruská
Trustfeed Score 3.0
Bruntál, Czechia
Klenová - Castle, Chateau, Gallery
Klenová, Czechia
Viktor Šauer
Beautiful place to visit and walk around
Památník Díky, Ameriko!
Plzeň 3, Czechia
Milan Frola
West Bohemian was liberated by US and Belgian troops. This monument remembers their heroism. Thank you, America!
Památník Národního Osvobození V Plzni
Martin Žítek
Pomník je zde právem a připomíná minulost na kterou by se nemělo nikdy zapomínat. Občas je tu, ale \zajímavé\ projít okolo bez toho aby člověk neudě...
Monument Of General G. S. Patton
Trustfeed Score 3.7
Cool Cat
There isn't too much to say about it. It's a lovely little monument to G.S. Patton, which I have to say is definitely wonderful for its powerful natur...
Památník, Pivovar, Hradní Restaurace A Muzeum Vítek Z Prčice
Sedlec-Prčice, Czechia
Marco Casamassima
Here I ate one of the best typical Czech dish, sviečková na smotane. I really suggest to visit this place
Jaroslava Haška Memorial
Lipnice nad Sázavou, Czechia
Radioactive CZ.
Olomouc Astronomical Clock
Olomouc, Czechia
The recently restored astronomical clock in Olomouc
Barunka School Premises
Česká Skalice, Czechia
Michaela Pappová
Very nice place with a super nice guide only for 70 czk.
Farewell Memorial
Praha 2-Vinohrady, Czechia
Daniel Brvnišťan
I am always moved by seeing this. I still can't believe these things happened here and not so long ago. And some people are trying to bring us back to...
Vaclav Havel Memorial
Nové Město, Czechia
Lee Woodhouse
Located in a large, quiet square behind the National Theatre. It's a small memorial to former Czech president Vaclav Havel. There is also various piec...
Klokočovská Lípa
Klokočov, Czechia
Lukáš Pecháček
Téměř tisíciletá lípa na návsi obce Klokočov nedaleko Sečské přehrady. Lípa dosahuje výšky 20 m a obvod kmene měří necelých 9 m.
Josef Manes Monument
David Hurt
Nice area with great views
Památník - Statue Of St. John The Baptist
Necropolis Bruntál Uhlířský Hill
Trustfeed Score 4.2
Jan Vlcek
Uhlirsky vrch is a great place and always makes for a nice walk. The tree make a great natural shade when the day is too sunny. There are nice wood-ca...
Monument Of Karel Čapek In The Stará Huť Near Dobříš
Stará Huť, Czechia
ionut alex stanescu
For Karel Capek fans it is, this far, the only existing Mecca. His clothes, his voice, his writings, his pictures still dwell here. Too bad all the in...
Kamenictví Obelisk
Praha 8-Střížkov, Czechia
Unčovice (Tvrz)
Litovel, Czechia
Moldava, Czechia
Pamatnik Danka A Honzika
Zlín, Czechia
Pomnik Valky 1866
Trustfeed Score 4.0
Čistěves, Czechia
Vamberk - Socha Socha Mistra Jana Husa
Vamberk, Czechia
Jaroslav Vítek
Krasne náměstí
Palais Nostitz
Memorial Životice Tragedy
Havířov, Czechia
Paper boy
The White Horse House
Opava, Czechia
Pomník 1. Světové Války
Trustfeed Score 3.8
Javorník, Czechia
Armin Schubert
Heimatort meiner Mutter
Blücher Palace
Člověk A Kosmos
Ostrava-jih, Czechia
Jan Kugler
Obsahově se do jisté míry vztahuje k sídlišti Letiště, které vzniklo na místě zrušeného letiště; na jižní straně portrét Mikuláše Koperníka, na sever...
Praha 10-Vršovice, Czechia
Tony Mole
Key landmark for this residential district. Brings it all together nicely. Views from the terrace.
Michal Škrabánek
Trustfeed Score 1.0
Valašské Meziříčí, Czechia
Villa Lexa
Rakovník, Czechia
Battle Of Kolin Monument
Křečhoř, Czechia
Petr Litera
Battle of Kolin formed the history of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire and namely the Czech citizens shall still remember. While the column on the Fridri...
Libkova Voda
Libkova Voda, Czechia
Monument Commemorating Victims Of The First And Second World Wars
Měšice, Czechia
Pomník Padlým
Dvůr Králové nad Labem, Czechia
Rastislav Repel
1866, ...
Pomník Obětem Války V Sadské
Sadská, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha
Památník obětem 1. světové války před budovou muzea se třemi deskami s nápisy padlých byl slavnostně odhalen 28. května v roce 1926. Pochází z dílny ...
Židovský Památník
Marek S.
Smutné události nedávné minulosti je nutné připomínat, aby se nic podobného neopakovalo.
Simón Bolívar
Praha 6-Bubeneč, Czechia
Gloria Chmatil
Beautiful sculpture of The Liberator Simón Bolívar
Migliarinova Pamětní Deska
Vítkov, Czechia
Ladislav Knebl
Velmi nádherné pamětni místo. Hezká příroda.
Kolínská Radnice
Czech Republic
Malenický Pramen
Dražeň, Czech Republic
Dům U Zlatého Zvonku
Staré Město, Czech Republic
Kozárovice, Czech Republic
Pomník Obětem Světových Válek
Červená Řečice, Czech Republic
Lípa Barborka
Častrov, Czech Republic
Špetlův Buk
Slatina nad Úpou, Czech Republic
Rodný Dům Egona Hostovského
Hronov, Czech Republic
Katův Dům (Kadaň)
Kadaň, Czech Republic
Socha Madony (Na Štítě Kostela Matky Boží Před Týnem)
Dolní Hradiště
Dolní Hradiště, Czech Republic
Pomníček Maryčky Magdonove
Staré Hamry, Czech Republic
Pomník Broučků
Věcov, Czech Republic
Platan Emila Hanzelky
Kopřivnice, Czech Republic
Chbany, Czech Republic
Křížová Cesta (Polná)
Polná, Czech Republic
Koupaliště U Bohuslavic
Bohuslavice, Czech Republic
Palác Metychů Z Čečova
Malá Strana, Czech Republic
Chaloupkův Clock
Kryštofovo Údolí, Czech Republic
Bohostice (Přírodní Památka)
Bohostice, Czech Republic
Památník U Zabitého
Vráž, Czech Republic
Vila Mladek (Vidnava)
Vidnava, Czech Republic
Křížová Cesta (Skelná Huť)
Chudenín, Czech Republic
Lhenice, Czech Republic
Křížová Cesta (Stárkov)
Stárkov, Czech Republic
Rašeliniště Na Smrku
Lipová-lázně, Czech Republic
Prlov, Czech Republic
Sloup Sv. Trojice
Místo, Czech Republic
Říčany, Czech Republic
Památník Konce 2. Světové Války
Ježkovice, Czech Republic
Diana Well
Praha 5, Czech Republic
Památník Akademika Koldy
Doubravník, Czech Republic
Statues St. Barbara, St. Margaret And St. Elizabeth
Praha 1, Czech Republic
Troubsko, Czech Republic
Krucifix (Brzice)
Brzice, Czech Republic
Pivovar (Terezín)
Terezín, Czech Republic
Znojmo, Czech Republic
Jihoslovanské Mauzoleum
Ruský Kříž
Adamov, Czech Republic
Bílá Skála U Jamolic
Jamolice, Czech Republic
Socha Sv. Jana Nepomuckého
Šebetov, Czech Republic
Stations Of The Cross
Dobrá Voda u Českých Budějovic, Czech Republic
Socha T. G. Masaryka
Jevíčko, Czech Republic
Moldava, Czech Republic