Companies on Trustpilot can choose relevant categories to describe their industry, products, or services. All companies in a category are eligible to be best in that category if they’re actively asking for reviews and have received 25 or more reviews in the last 12 months. Some companies on Trustpilot aren’t eligible to be best in a category, and others aren’t on Trustpilot at all.
Lesopark America
Trustfeed Score 4.5
Františkovy Lázně, Czechia
Tatiana Novakova
Nice and green place to spend time with kids.
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Děčín Zoo
Trustfeed Score 4.3
Děčín, Czechia
Gea Kranenborg
Nice zoo, it's a pity that a lot of animals could not be seen because of the material used for the cages. Especially for photographing a great loss. ...
Ústí Nad Labem Zoo
Ústí nad Labem, Czechia
Лъчезар Борисов
It was interesting visit for me. Plenty of different animal's . Zoo is located on one large hill ( the South slope of the hill behind Elba river is de...
Liberec Zoo
Trustfeed Score 4.1
Liberec, Czechia
Martina Bajusova
The only reason I am giving 3 stars is the fact that animals are in horrible small cages and pens. Animals are looking bored and sad. Specially elepha...
Wild Garden Hostivař
Trustfeed Score 4.4
Praha 15-Hostivař, Czechia
Mirage Cz
Great mini ZOO with free entrance and open to public also during pandemia.
Trustfeed Score 5.0
Slezská Ostrava, Czechia
Wyjątkowe zwierzątko samo w sobie :)
Zoopark Stěžery, O.P.S.
Trustfeed Score 4.6
Stěžery, Czechia
David Krulich
The great small zoo. The place is good for families with a small children as well as for a bigger childrens. You can see there a monkey, kangaroo, hor...
Cesta Stínů
Monika Vachová
\Dřevěná cesta\ dlouhá více jak půl kilometru, vedoucí stínem lesa. Nechybí visutý most. Cesta není bezbariérová a tudíž není vhodná pro kočárky. Dov...
Základní Článek Ab Quito - Přírodovědné Centrum
Trustfeed Score 4.7
Hradec Králové, Czechia
Олег Ханин
It is interesting place.
Dvůr Králové Zoo
Dvůr Králové nad Labem, Czechia
Natalia Russi
Very nice. The safari by car is worth it. The walk in the zoo is pleasant too. Food at the African bistro is simple, tasty and the best part: authenti...
Zoo Park Rapotín
Trustfeed Score 2.6
Rapotín, Czechia
Martin Kyšták
Troška sklamaný z tohoto miesta, tých zvieratok tam bolo máličko, ale múzeum bolo super aj s krásnym výkladom. Pre rodiny s deťmi ideálne miesto.
Zoo Lašský Dvůr
Baška, Czechia
Martina Holečková
The owner was very welcoming. Children were very happy to see all the animals. They were even allowed to feed and touch some of them. It is a very rus...
Záboří nad Labem, Czechia
Ondrej Kobzak
Looks sad to me, its like lost in time. IDK, just impresson from it is sad.
Pavilon 4 Šelmy
Trustfeed Score 3.7
Zoo Prodejna Živa
Trustfeed Score 4.8
Frýdek-Místek, Czechia
Vladimír Vašnovský
Obora Žleby
Žleby, Czechia
Charles Seaton Jr.
We happen to go at the right time, we got a chance to witness their Predator bird show. They also have white deer and a few other animals.
Statek Starý Kolín
Starý Kolín, Czechia
Lukáš Pitoňák
Quite normal, no luxury place, but not horrible as well. Service for weddings is great and very tasty, the dinner was perfect. But the facility and ac...
Trustfeed Score 4.2
Turnov, Czechia
Wellness hotel V Nebi
Vodacka hostudka vhodná pro cyklisty i rodiny s dětmi
Zastavárna-Bazaar Roman Vinter Luna Chomutov
Chomutov, Czechia
Conservatory That Has Kangaroos
Praha 5-Smíchov, Czechia
Maciek Gruchala
They really do have kangaroos there
Gorilla Pavilion
Praha-Troja, Czechia
Mario Toma
There are several animals, very beautiful
Bernard Farm
Královské Poříčí, Czechia
Dominika Pospíšilová
We have selected Statek Bernard as our wedding venue in August 2020. The rooms were really nice and staff was very welcoming and helpful. We were very...
Hospodářský Dvůr Bohuslavice
Bohuslavice, Czechia
Zdenek Cech DiS.
Ostrava Zoo
Garry Mortimer-Cook
Loved all the extra planting. Now a botanical park as well. Missed seeing the hippos, rhino's and Giraffes but glad to see more improvements being mad...
Ostrava Zoo - Library
Josh Takahashi
I love this zoo. It's very large and clean. The animals are amazing and the restaurant is good. I really like that there are a lot of trails in the fo...
Chleby Zoo
Chleby, Czechia
Max Janek
One of the most entertaining zoo in the Czech Republic. It is basically a family zoo. This zoo is very fun, it will introduce you to a lot of non-trad...
Pavilon Afrických Kopytníků
Zlín, Czechia
Neal F
Putting noisy African drums for tourists to bash constantly next to the animal enclosures was a brilliant idea! Who thought of that!?
Rákosův Pavilon
Vlast Vobornik
Něco nového v zoo, krásný nový pavilon s přímým kontaktem s papoušky.
Mokřady Zoo Ostrava
Roman Vltavský
Skutečně pěkně vyvedené místo. Zvětšení mokřadových živočichů se velmi povedlo.
Ivo Kroutil
Expozice s venkovním výběhem mangust trpasličích a dikobrazů. Nástupní místo na sezónní projížďku vláčkem "Safari"
Obří Voliéra Bábovka
Olomouc, Czechia
František Halíček
Při poslední návštěvě trochu více zarostlá ale pořád skvělé
Maned Wolves Enclosure
Trustfeed Score 1.0
Praha 7, Czechia
Gibbon Enclosure
Sander Huisman
They made some noice
Žirafa Síťovaná
Brno-Bystrc, Czechia
Aardvarks Enclosure
Nice animal
Zoopark Zelčín
Hořín, Czechia
Africká Vesnice
Czech Republic
Sitatungas Enclosure
Praha-Troja, Czech Republic
Expozice Gibonů A Kopytníků
Trustfeed Score 3.0
Slezská Ostrava, Czech Republic
Expozice Tučňáků
Lukovecká, Czech Republic
Páv Korunkatý
Brno-Bystrc, Czech Republic
Prag Zoo
Lyžařský Areál Mladé Buky
Mladé Buky, Czech Republic
Giant Salamander Pavilion
Mini Zoo
Ostrava-Petřkovice, Czech Republic
Dětské Hřiště V Zoo Se Skluzavkou, Hrochem A Želvou
Ústí nad Labem-Neštěmice, Czech Republic
Hravý Poníkov
Petrovice, Czech Republic
Elephant Valley
Trustfeed Score 4.9
Papoušek Vlnkovatý
Private Zoo Sedlec
Sedlec, Czech Republic
Oryxes Enclosure
Pavilon Šelem
Svatý Kopeček, Czech Republic
Pavilon Slonů
Zlín, Czech Republic
Mini Zoo Bohuslavice
Bohuslavice, Czech Republic
European Bison Enclosure
Trustfeed Score 4.0
Run Safari, Zoo Brno
Foto Zastavka Velka Vajíčka
Daňčí Obora
Karviná, Czech Republic
Lední Medvědi
Výběh Makaků
Výběh Vlků
Na Statku
Biopark Štít
Klamoš, Czech Republic
Obora Čihadlo
Zbraslavice, Czech Republic
Sladkovodni Akvaria
Lori Horský
Levhart Cejlonský
Papoušek Patagonský
Koutek Živé Přírody
Svitavy, Czech Republic
Zážitkový Zvířecí Areál Čelákovice
Čelákovice, Czech Republic
Vyhlídka Na Slony
Peccaries Enclosure
Dřevěné Zoo
Ostrata, Czech Republic
Obora S Pratury
Modrá, Czech Republic
Obůrka Hvozd
Mariánské Lázně, Czech Republic
Runs Cheetahs And Lynx
Olomouc, Czech Republic
Pavilon Netopýrů
Jelen Milu
Feline And Reptile Pavilion
Pavilon Langurů - Pavilon Doc. Jebavého
Chleby, Czech Republic
Zoopark Na Hrádečku
Horní Pěna, Czech Republic
Gepardí Výběh
Li Jia Hao Sro
Praha 14-Černý Most, Czech Republic
Pavilion Of Evolution
Voliéry Exotických Ptáků
Takins Enclosure
Vnitřní Pavilón Šelem
Orel Skalni
Supi A Antilopy
Tahrs Enclosure
Chrám Gibonů
Rezervace Dja