Praha 7, Czech Republic
Not very safe. A lot of drug addicts in there. If you can, pick a different route. I almost got robbed in there.
There are depictions of a completely different station here. Obviously, in Holešovice there are TWO stations. This one lies on a currently (2019 and not for much longer; due to reconstruction of the Negrelli viaduct over Vltava) closed line from Masarykovo nádraží. The operational station lies directly by the underground metro station, so is impossible to miss. Most of the images here show the northern, bigger one, not this one.
This is NOT THE STATION, the real station is 300m to the north. Check the other ‘Praha-Holesovice’ tag in Google maps! (We stood there and had to run to the real station to catch our train)
Station like any other. Nothing spectacular, nothing horrible.
\Лучшая\ ж/д станция в мире
Nečekala bych, že se ztratíme při snaze najít tuhle zastávku. Hodilo by se lepší označení. Nejlépe se na zastávku dostanete z ulice U Papírny.
Ve večerních hodinách trochu strašidelné a opuštěné místo. Naproti zastávce uzavřená ubytovna, na parkovišti hlučná omladina.
Jedna z úplně zbytečných pražských zastávek, kde nic než bordel, špína, a kamkoliv daleko. Měly by ponechat radši Vltavskou a zpřístupnit nedokončeným výstupem z metra.
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