Praha, Czech Republic
2C, Jankovcova 1569
Stay away from this clinic, there are much better ones in Prague. They are only after your money here, charging a lot for every little thing, but not providing adequate service. The quality of service here is very weak. We always had to wait a lot, we were always seen by different doctor, no consistency... Since they have ton of customers (mostly Czechs), the doctors always had to study our card before speaking with us... So they really had limited clue about your case. The results speak for themselves, we had completely unsuccessful cycle here (0 fertilized embryos). After switching to a new and much better center (Cube IVF), where they treated us much better, we successfully had 2 fertilized embryos and now are proud parents to a beautiful daughter! The difference between these two IVF centers was really night and day... Never crowded, always seen by someone who knew our history, ton of flexibility... And they tried to reduce price as much as possible... We're so happy we left ISCARE, thanks Cube for our daughter!
I have got a very bad experience with breast augmentation. Dr.Miroslav Veliky Didn’t suggest anything. I’ve been forced to make my own chores for the implants (Without any suggestion) and for the way to be operated. The problems came in for months after operation.Dr. never ever will speak to you direct after the operation, only through assistant. Do you think the year after the operation of Dr. Miroslav Veliky I visited 5 more clinics with the problem I’ve got. The opinions of the obvious doctors it’s Incorrectly made pocket, Not accessible lower muscle and too small implant volume - and all of these i was forced to decide before surgery. I am not a doctor. Clinic refused to make the second operation. My breast looking awful. I can provide the photos.
On their IVF site they say “No waiting time!” but the true is waiting time is 4 months minimum, very often donors produce very few oocytes (less than 4) and when the egg donor does not produce any oocyte, you have to wait another 3 months to find another donor for your fresh cycle you already payed. The contact person often change. Very disappointed about their poor interest for their clients, patients. I’m so sorry I choose this clinic. It’ s a waste of time and money.
IVF TREATMENT.They don't keep their promises. You have to wait again and again because after 5 months they are not able to find you an egg donor. The contact person change every 6 months and has no experience. Very slow bad contact, they do not provide adequate service and after you payed the treatment, you are usless for them. Hope this post helps someone and they don,t go through what I went through...
They speak English and in my case all staff there were really nice. Is my first impression.
Ovodonazione, bruttissima esperienza. Tanti mesi di attesa per trovare una donatrice perche la clinica ha poche donatrici e la donatrice non ha prodotto ovociti perche non ha seguito la terapia medica e non ha fatto le iniezioni di ormoni. Intanto la donatrice prende i soldi lo stesso, anche se non segue il trattamento, e la clinica lo stesso....Anche altre ragazze con cui sono in contatto hanno avuto esperienze simili a Iscare, pochi ovociti e di bassa qualita....Ormai in questa clinica è una pratica comune non avere donatrici affidabili...Giudicate voi...
Zcela průměrná lékárna, pravděpodobně nemají přípravnu léků, protože mě s jedním receptem poslali jinam.
Desna lekarna. V 80% pripadu cokoliv chci a tim nemyslim nic specialniho a ani zas kapky do nosu ci na kasel,ktere maji vsude,vzdy odpoved ,, nemame, neni skladem, zkuste jinde,,. Poloprazdne regaly,coz uz na prvni dojem nepusobi valne,ale je to naprosto pravdiva vizitka sortimentu,co Vas trefi do, oci na prvni pohled. O to trapnejsi je to i tim,ze v okruhu 4bloku a smer Palmovka jeste dal, lekarna neni,tak konkurence minimalni. Je to v budove Iscare v lighthousu...Meli by zlepsit uroven,toto je zalostne a neni to kratkodoby nazor,ale nazor letity. Lekarnice ty mlade jsou mile,napomocne. Ale ty starsi uz na, vse ,, to nevim a ticho,,. Strategie porad si sam..
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