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Vinotéka \Malovaný sklep\ Znojmo is located in Znojmo, Czechia on Pražská zahrada 1. Vinotéka \Malovaný sklep\ Znojmo is rated 4.2 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY] in Czechia.
We enjoyed visiting this vine seller every ear when visiting Znojmo. This time the shop owner had a very nasty comment to the radio broadcast saying all immigrants should drown. Due to this I will not visit anymore. Trully sad and unnecessary. If racist, plese keep it to yourself at least.
Bad burcak for 185 crowns
(Translated by Google) Go elsewhere for wine. My first and last experience with this store. (Original) Jezděte pro víno jinam. Moje první a poslední zkušenost s touhle prodejnou.
(Translated by Google) The Lord is really good at wines and can recommend excellent wines. And sometimes it also offers something unconventional, exclusive. (Original) Pán se ve vínech skutečně vyzná a umí doporučit výborná vína. A občas má v nabídce i něco netradičního, exkluzivního.
(Translated by Google) Mr. excellent well-being, beautiful environment, but today bought burcak a huge slump :( sad that such a beautiful wine shop has such a bad product :( 390kc for two bottles and can just be poured into the toilet. (Original) Pan sice vybornej pohodar , prostredi krasny ale dnes zakoupeny burcak obrovskej propadak :( smutne, ze tak krasna vinoteka ma tak spatny produkt :( 390kc za dve lahve a muze se tak akorat vylejt do zachodu.
(Translated by Google) Well-being and good wine, tasting, great choice, everyone has a chance to buy nak (Original) Pohoda a dobré vinko,ochutnávka, velký výběr, každý má šanci nakoupit
(Translated by Google) Classic stop on departure from Znojmo. We've been coming here for a few years. Always all right, the owner very nice (Original) Klasická zastávka při odjezdu ze Znojma. Jezdíme sem již pár let. Vždy vše v poradku, majitel velmi milý
Vinotéka \Malovaný sklep\ Znojmo
Pražská zahrada 1669 02 ZnojmoCzech Republic
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